Congratulations to Our Clients Named in Truven Health Analytics’ 100 Top Hospitals


Truven Health Analytics’ The 100 Top Hospitals® program recognizes 100 healthcare organizations from across the country that achieve the highest national scores based on 14 separate measures of hospital organizational performance including patient care, operational efficiency, and financial stability. The measures are equally weighted and hospitals are only compared against similar facilities in terms of size and teaching status.

We are proud to congratulate the following Stroudwater clients on their achievement and recognition.

Major Teaching Hospitals

  • Baptist Medical Center, Jacksonville, FL *
  • Ochsner Medical Center, New Orleans
  • St. Luke’s University Hospital, Bethlehem, PA

Teaching Hospitals (200 + acute-care beds)

  • Billings Clinic Hospital, Billings, MT
  • Adventist Medical Center, Hinsdale, IL

Large Community Hospitals (250+ acute-care beds)

  • EvergreenHealth, Kirkland, WA
  • WellStar West Georgia Medical Center, LaGrange, GA

Medium Community Hospitals (100-249 acute-bed hospitals)

  • Ochsner Medical Center, Baton Rouge, LA *

Small Community Hospitals (25-99 acute-care beds)

  • Oaklawn Hospital, Marshall, MI

* One of ten Everest Winners, hospitals that have achieved highest current performance and fastest improvement in past five years.