On September 30, 2019, CMS released the 2018 MSSP results.
548 MSSP ACOs were active in Performance Year 2018, serving just under 10.1 million beneficiaries. 204 ACOs generated savings. Earned shared savings amounts for ACOs whose savings rate equaled or exceeded their MSR, and who were eligible for a performance payment, ranged from a low of $263,000 to a high of $50 million.
Stroudwater has updated its interactive infographic with the latest 2018 information so you can easily see how your ACO compares to other MSSPs. The past three years of data are included if you wish to compare year-over-year results.
Stroudwater tracks all the public use file data and industry benchmarks. If you have any questions or need assistance performing a deeper dive to identify opportunities for your ACO, please contact Cindy Wicks, Principal and Stroudwater’s Population Health Service Line leader at 774-328-1316.
Click graphic below to see how your ACO compares to other MSSPs.